
My baby is two months old and often puts his hands and the toys in his hands into his mouth. Does he not eat enough? Besides breast milk, what else can I feed him at two months old?


Babies still need to rely on milk as the foundation, with a daily requirement of ensuring 700 to 800 milliliters of milk. The digestive tract mucosal barrier in infants under six months is not fully developed, and protein molecules in egg whites are small, easily penetrating through the intestinal mucosal barrier into the blood, causing allergic reactions such as eczema and urticaria. Do not provide complementary foods before bedtime. When I first started providing complementary foods, I followed others’ advice and added a lot of rice porridge to the milk before bed, saying it would make him feel fuller and sleep longer. However, I found that the baby couldn’t sleep for very long, and he still had to change diapers multiple times at night. You can also prepare vegetable juice, which can be consumed at two months old.