
Why did a 1-year-10-month-old girl experience severe hair loss while bathing? She has not undergone any treatment and wants to know if this is normal, whether it might be a vitamin deficiency, and how to treat it?


There are many reasons for hair loss, including seborrheic alopecia, blood deficiency, blood heat alopecia, kidney deficiency alopecia, and genetic factors. It is recommended to treat according to the symptoms. Pay attention to nutritional management. The main component of hair is protein, so it is necessary to consume high-quality protein, B vitamins, vitamin C, and calcium. Maintain a positive mood, eat less spicy and irritating food, reduce the intake of high-fat foods, ensure adequate sleep, all of which can help treat hair loss. Patients should pay special attention to their daily diet, avoid spicy food and high-fat food, and eat more vegetables and fruits. Lifestyle Care: May your child grow up healthy and long-lived! If my explanation is helpful to you, please provide timely feedback. Thank you!