
The child is almost four years old and only knows how to call ‘Daddy’ and ‘Mama’. Their language and cognitive development are significantly behind their peers. They have the ability to pull and drag adults, and they also have the ability to urinate and defecate on demand, as well as perform activities related to the world of language. They have undergone brain MRI, urine tests, blood tests, and EEG, all of which were normal.


The delayed development of the child’s language may require an assessment and treatment by a professional speech therapist. Additionally, it may be beneficial to seek the opinion of a pediatric neurologist to rule out potential neurological issues. There are no specific medications that can promote language development, but regular therapy and home training can help improve the situation. It may also be worth considering consulting with traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practitioners, as some believe that TCM treatments may help improve the language abilities of children with developmental delays. Wishing the child a speedy recovery.