
How can I completely get rid of athlete’s foot? I often sweat a lot on my feet in summer, and sometimes they have a smell, and cracks appear on my feet as well. The Athlete’s Foot Licker didn’t work for me. Do you have any good treatment methods? I hope to eliminate it completely.


Athlete’s foot is actually not difficult to treat, but many times patients cannot persist with the treatment, so it cannot be eradicated. Here’s a simple and economical method. You can buy Compound Benzoic Acid Ointment and Compound Benzoic Acid Tincture or Spray from the pharmacy. After washing your feet, dry them and first use the tincture or spray. Wait for the medicine to slightly dry before applying the ointment all over your feet. Use this twice a day, morning and evening, for excellent results. Give it a try, and you’ll feel much better by the end of the night. To completely cure it, use this treatment for at least two weeks consecutively. Don’t stop treatment as soon as there is an improvement; this only temporarily suppresses the itching without achieving complete sterilization. Please take this seriously and recover soon. It is recommended that you pay attention to personal hygiene after recovery, wash and change frequently, and keep your shoes and socks clean. As long as personal hygiene is maintained, athlete’s foot will not recur.