
My baby has obvious strabismus in the right eye, with minimal signs in the left eye. Recently, the strabismus has suddenly worsened, even noticeable when facing straight ahead. We suspect it may be due to improper eye habits during childhood. What methods can help improve this situation for the child?


The symptoms your child is experiencing are a common ophthalmological condition, which can usually be corrected through glasses or surgery. It is recommended that you bring your child to the hospital for a detailed examination as soon as possible. If the issue is related to the eye muscles, treatment can be done through radiofrequency ablation surgery. Additionally, correcting your child’s eye habits is also very important. In daily life, it is suggested that your child consume less greasy and spicy foods, exercise regularly, drink plenty of water, maintain good hygiene, urinate frequently, and have a balanced diet. I hope these suggestions will be helpful to you, and wish your child good health!