
My child’s eyes are watering and they have a sensation of something foreign, which started due to a fever within the past week. They have taken symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication without success. How should I treat this? Is there any harm to the eyes?


Fever can be caused by either a virus or bacteria. Viral fevers usually do not have a specific cure and require careful attention; symptoms typically resolve on their own within 7-10 days. If the fever is bacterial, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics. When taking medication, it is important to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions and not adjust the dosage on your own. For nasal congestion causing difficulty in breastfeeding, you can use a saline nasal drops under medical guidance, and apply them 15 minutes before feeding, then clear the nasal mucus with a nasal aspirator. Do not use vasoconstrictor or other nasal drops on your own.