
How is pediatric bronchitis treated?


Bronchitis in infants and young children refers to asthma-like lower respiratory tract infections, which are a recurrent allergic disease. It usually begins in early childhood (before the age of 3) and is often triggered by various allergens (such as pollen, dust, pet dander, mites, bacteria, etc.). Climate changes and emotional excitement can also cause it. Treatment includes drugs such as expectorants and antitussives, as well as beta-agonists like salbutamol, and herbal remedies and external plasters. During the remission phase, many cough and asthma-relieving herbal preparations can be used, which can also reduce symptoms to some extent. Currently, remedies such as expectorants and mucolytics like Baihua Qiongzhi Powder and Qiujiu Plasters used in winter are more commonly used.