
After the baby’s first month, there is a large amount of vomiting and continuous crying. A few days ago, it was said that the baby had indigestion, so traditional Chinese medicine was given, but then the baby had diarrhea with dark green stools, which has been going on for 7 days. I stopped giving the medicine yesterday, and the diarrhea stopped as well. But now, for two days, the baby hasn’t had a bowel movement. What’s going on?


The baby’s crying must have a reason behind it. Firstly, do not guess blindly about the baby’s condition. Apart from illnesses, a baby may cry due to hunger, thirst, being too hot or too cold, loneliness, being tired, discomfort, or a lack of trace elements. First and foremost, confirm if the baby is hungry; a baby should be able to eat 80 to 120 milliliters per meal. Also, be mindful of whether the baby is too warm; they should not be dressed too warmly as they are prone to heat. A simple method is to feel the baby’s feet or nose tip; if they are warm or at the same temperature as yours, you may need to add more clothing. The baby’s peripheral nerves are not fully developed yet, so they should feel cool. If the baby is too hot, their body temperature might be high. Moreover, babies need a significant amount of water intake; you can give half of their milk quantity between meals. The baby might also cry at night due to thirst. Pay attention to providing a well-rounded nutrition for the baby to boost immunity. In addition to formula milk, consider giving the baby colostrum like Soul Sun Colostrum, which can help promote growth and development and increase intelligence. Wishing your baby health!