
The baby is 8 months old and a yellow bean-sized scalp swelling was found on the right back of the head during the postpartum period. When pressed, it can be moved and there is no pain, with a noticeable bulge in appearance. How should it be treated?


The scalp swelling may be a common neonatal condition known as scalp hematoma. As the baby grows, this hematoma usually gradually reshapes and reduces the bulge on the skin. However, to ensure there is no blood stasis and to prevent other complications, it is recommended to undergo an ultrasound examination. If blood stasis is detected, it should be aspirated to promote swelling reduction. Additionally, heat therapy can help accelerate the absorption of the hematoma. It is important to note that babies have weaker resistance, so it is crucial to bring the baby to the hospital for professional examination and treatment in a timely manner. Moreover, regular health checks and following the doctor’s instructions for symptomatic treatment are also necessary.