
I noticed around July last year that my child’s eyes keep watering. I initially thought it might be due to a breeze, but even without one, the watering persists. I went to the hospital, and the doctor said it might be due to a blocked lacrimal duct and performed two flushes. However, one eye improved while the other still waters.


Hello, this condition might be dacryocystitis, which generally causes lacrimal duct adhesion and obstruction, leading to lacrimal fluid circulation obstruction and resulting in symptoms of watering eyes when exposed to wind. Treatment usually involves lacrimal duct flushing, followed by anti-infection therapy post-surgery. Since there are various factors that can cause pediatric lacrimal duct obstruction, it’s essential to understand the cause before treatment and implement symptomatic treatment principles. Moreover, nursing measures in daily life are indispensable. It is recommended to eat less spicy food and more eye-protective foods.