
My daughter is 4 years old, and in recent days, she has told me that her ear hurts a bit. In the morning, the earwax is a bit thick and yellowish, and her appetite is not good, and her throat feels uncomfortable as well. How should I treat my child’s otitis media and tinnitus effectively?


It is recommended that parents choose appropriate antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs under the guidance of a doctor to relieve the inflammatory symptoms. You can perform a bacterial culture of the ear secretion and use anti-inflammatory ear drops according to the test results. In cases of ear pain, you can also give the child some painkillers. If the child has fever symptoms, some antipyretic drugs can be taken. In severe cases, it is advisable to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Otitis media has the characteristic of recurrent attacks. If there is a situation of tympanic membrane perforation, it is necessary to seek medical treatment promptly. During the treatment period, pay attention to giving the child more nutrition, with a diet mainly consisting of light and easy-to-digest foods. Also, pay attention to rest and avoid fatigue.