
My child has a left ankle fibula fracture, and this is an X-ray taken after the cast was applied. The doctor suggested a follow-up check in one week, and if there is displacement, surgery may be required. Do I need surgery in this case? What potential complications might my child face if we do not operate? If surgery is performed, will it be with a plate fixation? Can minimally invasive surgery be used for this situation? Would it be better for the child’s future development if the fixation is done surgically?


Based on the description of your situation and the provided information, the X-ray appears too blurry to make a precise assessment. However, the location of the fracture seems manageable, and it appears that surgical treatment is not necessary at this stage. The content provided is essentially: “Child’s left ankle fibula fracture, this is an X-ray taken after casting, any questions?” I hope the patient can soon overcome their illness Troubled and recover quickly, living happily every day.