
My baby, who is a few months old, is starting to teethe. Lately, our four-month-old baby has been reluctant to breastfeed, with the corners of their mouth often dribbling saliva and blowing bubbles. What could be the reason for their reluctance to breastfeed, constant dribbling of saliva, and blowing bubbles?


Generally, babies start teething between 6 to 10 months old, with some as early as 4 to 10 months. At this age, the baby may show signs of teething, and before teething, they might experience symptoms like drooling, wanting to chew on things, decreased appetite, and low-grade fever. Recommendations include:

  1. Strengthening care to maintain cleanliness around the baby’s oral cavity, preventing eczema.
  2. Checking for any oral problems or indigestion in the baby, and giving them some digestive powder and probiotics to regulate the spleen and stomach as well as the digestive system. Wishing the baby a healthy growth!