
A four-year-old girl recently experienced ear pain, increased earwax, which is yellow in color, accompanied by loss of appetite and fatigue. How should one treat children’s middle ear infection and tinnitus to achieve good results?


In treating children’s middle ear infections, clinical practice primarily involves the use of antibiotic medications, selecting appropriate drugs based on the child’s specific symptoms. In addition to oral medications, regional treatments such as using anti-inflammatory ear drops can also be administered. If the child experiences severe ear pain or discharge of yellow fluid, painkillers may be considered to alleviate symptoms. Some children may also have a fever, in which case fever-reducing medication can be given. If symptoms do not improve, medical attention should be sought promptly. In certain cases, such as perforation of the eardrum, surgical treatment may be necessary. After the condition improves, it is recommended to encourage the child to engage in moderate exercise to enhance immunity and prevent recurrence of the disease.