
  1. Is the test result of my son’s blood test normal?
  2. Is the blood test for children’s trace elements accurate?
  3. How can we effectively help children expel lead from their bodies?
  4. Are there side effects to lead detoxification oral liquid, and what potential harm can it cause to a child’s body?
  5. Can a child take calcium and zinc supplements at the same time? My son is currently taking Sanjing brand gluconate calcium and Sanjing brand gluconate zinc. How effective are these supplements?


  1. There are various methods to test human trace elements, including urine tests, milk tests, blood tests, and hair tests. The commonly used methods are blood tests and hair tests, which are generally more accurate.
  2. Your baby’s blood lead level is above the standard, and you can help expel lead through food, such as shrimp shells, milk, soy products, carrots, garlic, beef, animal liver, and foods rich in vitamin C. You can also eat more lean meat, fish, mushrooms, seaweed, black beans, eggs, etc. Try to use food to adjust your child’s diet, as medication for lead detoxification may cause adverse reactions and the effectiveness is not certain.