
My daughter always wakes up suddenly during her afternoon nap, as if she’s congested or struggling to breathe, and she keeps tossing and turning. She also gets upset sometimes. I’m not sure what’s causing this? Could it be related to my smoking? I smoke a little while changing her diapers, but only about two or three cigarettes a day. Does this matter? Is it serious? Will it get better on its own?


Your baby’s recurrent congestion might be due to the cold air in autumn, and it’s recommended to take her for a detailed check-up at an otolaryngology department. At this age, babies are prone to vitamin D or calcium deficiencies leading to rickets, which may manifest as night terrors, excessive sweating, irritability, and even changes in bones. It’s suggested to expose her to more sunlight and follow the usual preventive measures for rickets, such as providing vitamin AD drops and calcium tablets. It’s advisable to take your child for a health check-up at a pediatric healthcare department.