
My wife used to have enough milk, but after spending a whole day on the bus going out, she came back and found her milk supply was insufficient. What should we do?


To address the issue of decreased milk supply, the following measures can be taken:

  1. Increase the baby’s frequency of suckling at the breast, as the baby’s suckling stimulates the mother to produce more prolactin, which in turn increases milk production.
  2. Maintain a positive mood, adequate rest, and proper nutrition intake are also important for increasing milk supply.
  3. Practice breast care, such as nipple exercises, to promote lactiferous ducts.
  4. In terms of diet, consuming soups believed to help increase milk supply can be beneficial, such as crucian carp soup, pork trotter mung bean soup, black chicken soup, and yam braised chicken.
  5. If the situation does not improve, it is recommended to consult a doctor for professional advice.