
What should be paid attention to when dealing with chlamydial pneumonia? What symptoms might reappear?


The current antibiotics used to combat infections caused by mycoplasma and chlamydia include macrolides, tetracyclines, azithromycin, and clarithromycin; other antibiotics are ineffective or have a poor effect. Generally, a “shock therapy” approach is adopted, which means the dosage is doubled for the first two days (or the first day), and it returns to the regular amount by the third day. The total treatment duration is 7-14 days (usually 14 days). For children aged four, the regular dosage is: 1 gram of erythromycin per day, taken 3-4 times a day (doubled on the first day); azithromycin 0.25 grams per day (0.5 grams on the first day), divided into two doses.