
Newborns experience a startle reaction after hospitalization due to high jaundice, including sudden screaming and crying, as well as abnormal reactions during sleep. Parents are seeking possible causes and solutions.


For the startle reaction in newborns following hospitalization due to high jaundice, some possible comprehensive preventive measures include: 1. Cultivating the newborn’s observation skills from an early age, encouraging them to observe changes in their surroundings and interact with nature outdoors, and with small animals, to enhance their interest in nature. 2. Avoid using threatening tones when dealing with newborns to prevent psychological stress that may affect their physical and mental growth. Additionally, consider giving the newborn moderate cod liver oil supplementation, but consult a professional doctor for specific treatment plans. Possible causes of sudden startle reactions may include calcium deficiency or environmental stimulation. Seek medical advice to obtain appropriate assistance and treatment.