
How can children receive vaccinations while taking Chinese medicine?


Acute tonsillitis is usually caused by bacterial or viral infections when the body’s resistance is low, characterized by sudden onset with symptoms such as throat pain, accompanied by chills, fever, and headache, and is a common disease among children and adolescents. Chronic tonsillitis is caused by recurrent attacks of acute tonsillitis, presenting with symptoms such as dry throat, foreign body sensation, sticky secretions that are difficult to cough out, and halitosis. Recurrent attacks can lead to other diseases such as chronic nephritis, arthritis, and rheumatic heart disease, so it should be treated actively. Patients should strengthen their physical exercise, enhance their constitution, pay attention to oral hygiene, treat surrounding diseases in a timely manner, eat a light diet, avoid spicy and irritating foods, and quit smoking and drinking. If this condition becomes a focus of other diseases or has other surgical indications, consider surgical treatment.