
The baby’s body temperature has risen, what should be done?


The normal body temperature for infants under the armpit is generally 36-37 degrees Celsius. In spring, autumn, and winter, the average morning temperature is 36.6 degrees, and the afternoon temperature is 36.7 degrees. In summer, the morning temperature ranges from 36.9 to 36.95 degrees, and the afternoon temperature is 37 degrees. Changing diapers, eating, activity, crying, overly thick clothing, or high room temperature can cause a temporary drop in body temperature to around 37.5 degrees, and occasionally up to 38 degrees. Newborns or very young infants are more susceptible to these conditions. The temperature readings from armpit, mouth, and rectum differ by about 0.5 degrees, with armpit readings being the lowest and rectal readings being the highest.