
The 5-month-old baby has phlegm in the throat, feeling as if he can’t cough it out properly. Feeding water and other methods seem to have no effect, and I’m afraid to give the child medication arbitrarily. How should I assist?


Infants’ respiratory systems are not fully developed, and they won’t cough up phlegm, which can easily block the throat, trachea, or even stay in the stomach. Parents should timely assist their children in expelling phlegm. Firstly, always keep the indoor air fresh by regularly opening windows for ventilation, and it’s best to maintain the room temperature at 18-22 degrees Celsius. However, be careful not to let cold air blow directly on the child. The relative humidity should be kept between 60% and 65%. You can increase the humidity in the room by using a damp mop, which helps keep the respiratory mucosa moist and facilitates the movement of cilia on the mucosal surface, making it easier for phlegm to be expelled.