
Our four-month-old baby has not been eating milk, especially from the bottle, since a week ago. During the day, he barely eats, doesn’t seem hungry, and doesn’t cry or actively seek food on his mother’s body. Forcing feeding is not effective. We took him to the hospital for a check-up, and some doctors said it was due to pharyngitis, prescribed medication but it was ineffective; others said it was due to improper feeding. We have not been forcing feeding and have been trying to give him more plain water. However, the situation has not improved and has been going on for over a month. He also vomits every afternoon and has an increased frequency of diarrhea. How should we help our baby?


The symptoms described above in the baby are typically caused by dyspepsia, a condition resulting from gastrointestinal motility disorders, often due to colds or improper diet. It is recommended to give the baby some Simethicone and infant digestive powder, combined with dietary therapy. Reduce the amount of milk feeding, and cook some millet congee for the baby, drinking only the top layer of soup (you can add a little salt or sugar), but not eating the millet. This way, you can provide nutrition and nourish the intestines, and the baby will recover quickly.