
What should I do if my child keeps coughing?


Traditional Chinese medicine believes that a child’s cough may be caused by lung deficiency. For lung deficiency coughs, the principle of “like treats like” can be applied. Purchase pork lung, beef lung, wash and chop them, and cook them until soft. During the cooking process, you can add one of the following ingredients: green radish, white radish, or loquat. To enhance the effect, you can also add a moderate amount of black beans and cook them together. After they are cooked, you can add a little oil and salt as seasonings, but remember not to add spicy and irritating ingredients such as scallions, garlic, chili peppers, Sichuan pepper, and vinegar. In addition, chicken soup can also be used for lung deficiency. Drink the soup and eat the meat. Eating cooked peanuts regularly can also have a certain effect.