
What are the impacts of children suffering from ADHD?


Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can have various impacts on children, including:

  1. Learning difficulties: Excessive activity, inattention, and impulsive behavior can severely disrupt classroom learning, leading to declining grades.
  2. Damaged self-esteem and confidence: Due to behavioral issues, these children may face criticism from parents and discrimination from peers, affecting their self-esteem and confidence. To assist these children, the following suggestions can be provided:
  3. Professional assessment and diagnosis: Accurate diagnosis of ADHD helps in formulating appropriate treatment plans.
  4. Behavioral therapy: This includes positive reinforcement, attention training, and social skills training.
  5. Medication: In some cases, medication may help control symptoms.
  6. Family and school support: The involvement of parents and teachers is crucial for the child’s recovery, as they can provide emotional support and an appropriate environment. These suggestions aim to help children better manage ADHD symptoms and improve their quality of learning and life.