
My baby, who is one week old, started vomiting in the morning. She has been vomiting since the morning, and when she eats, she throws up. Her stomach does not bloat, and she only urinates once in the morning, and it’s particularly little. She doesn’t like to drink water. Yesterday, her bowel movements were still normal, but she has a high fever. What could be the matter? Previous treatment and effects: One week ago, when she vomited and had diarrhea, the doctor said it was chronic tonsillitis and prescribed medication and enema, which resolved the issue. Desired assistance: Hello, could this be due to indigestion? Autumn nausea and vomiting? Gastroenteritis?


Considering non-infectious nausea and vomiting, there are generally no fever or other symptoms of infectious poisoning, stool is free of mucus and pus, and tests show no obvious abnormalities or only a small amount of fat globules. Increase the frequency of changing diapers and shorten the interval between changes. Temporarily stop or increase complementary feeding. Formula-fed infants can be given dissolved milk or rice gruel, etc., which are easy to digest, and then gradually increase the milk intake. Additionally, you can try giving Baby Laxative granules, which inhibit bacteria: antibacterial, antiviral; adjust function: adjust intestinal activity function, adjust immune function; detoxify toxins, which are very effective for infant diarrhea treatment.