
My child has an allergic constitution. I would like to inquire about what types of food are more suitable for them? They have dust mite allergies and allergic rhinitis, and they sneeze every morning. They have undergone skin tests, showing a++++ reaction to dust allergies and also a++++ to dust mite allergies, ++ for shellfish, and the rest of the foods are suitable for consumption. I would like to know about past treatment situations and effectiveness, as well as what kind of assistance is needed.


Allergic reactions are also known as Type I hypersensitivity reactions. Firstly, it’s important to identify what the child’s allergens are and to try to avoid exposure to these allergens as much as possible. Typically, these allergic reactions do not pose significant harm to the body. In addition to avoiding allergens, consider hospital-based allergy testing for individual allergens, and then proceed with injection treatment in small doses, gradually increasing the interval between injections based on the test results. This requires patience and a period of continuous treatment. Since this is a complex treatment method, general hospitals may not be able to provide this kind of treatment, and it is recommended to seek professional treatment at large hospitals in major cities.