
A nine-year-old boy is suffering from tonsillitis symptoms, with a sore throat so severe that even drinking water is difficult. He also has a slight cough and fever, and he seems lackluster. During the treatment period, what kind of foods should be prepared for him?


It is very important to arrange a reasonable diet for children during the treatment of tonsillitis. Here are some dietary guidelines to consider:

  • Consume plenty of vegetables and fruits: Rich in vitamins and trace elements, these are light and beneficial for the healing of the disease. For instance, pears and apples have cooling and anti-inflammatory effects, so it’s recommended to eat more of them.
  • Choose easily digestible foods: Provide softer, easier-to-swallow foods such as well-cooked noodles and congee.
  • Avoid irritants and spicy foods: At this stage, avoid foods like beef, mutton, poultry eggs, seafood, as well as spicy and irritating dishes like hotpot. Remember, diet plays a crucial role in the treatment of tonsillitis, so it’s essential to pay attention to your child’s dietary arrangements.