
A child is in school, but the teachers’ feedback is that the child doesn’t seem to want to interact with classmates much, always sitting alone, not seeking out playmates, and when others try to play with him, he shuts them out. There have even been several instances of him getting into fights. The teachers have spoken to him about it. What kind of assistance is needed: Is this autism? If so, what other symptoms might there be?


Symptoms of Autism 1. Early manifestations include not smiling at relatives, such as not lifting a hand to prepare for being picked up by a relative, nor will he press his body against his mother. 2. Social difficulties, especially being very isolated, lacking interaction and emotional connection with others, even with parents, as if they were strangers. But when with strangers, he is not at all fearful. Normal children often express their feelings and suggestions by staring at each other, but children with autism lack direct eye contact and will not express feelings or suggestions in this way;