
Is My Child’s Bowel Movement Frequency Normal?

My child is three years old and has bowel movements every three or four days, and the stool is not hard and is easy to pass. They usually drink plain water and drink a lot. Is this normal? Previous Treatment and Effectiveness: There was no previous treatment and no family history of hereditary diseases. Assistance Needed: Hello doctor, how is this normal?


Is My Child’s Bowel Movement Frequency Normal?

If there is difficulty in defecation, you can use a pediatric enema or cut a bar of soap into a cylinder shape and insert it into the rectum, leaving it for five minutes to temporarily relieve symptoms. Daily care methods: Adjust the diet. You can give the child a little sesame seed every day, as the high oil content helps with bowel movements. Encourage regular bowel movements for the baby. Get the baby to exercise more to enhance intestinal peristalsis. Also, help the baby with massage by applying clockwise pressure around the navel. For constipation caused by illness or when constipation symptoms are severe, it is necessary to seek medical treatment in a hospital in a timely manner.