
Main Symptoms: The head always feels tight, constantly dizzy, inability to concentrate, and sometimes a tingling sensation at the top of the head. Onset Time: Detailed examination results:


Hello, based on the symptoms you described, it seems you may be experiencing symptoms related to insufficient brain blood supply. Below, I’ll explain several dietary methods that may be helpful to you. Honey dietary treatment for insufficient brain blood supply: [Recipe] 20 grams of honey, 10 milliliters of motherwort juice, 40 milliliters of raw rehmannia juice. [Preparation and Usage] Mix all the ingredients well and take them in two doses daily. A course of treatment is 20 days. [Function] Relieves meridians and promotes blood circulation, suitable for those with stroke or insufficient blood supply. Nutrition experts suggest: 1. Avoid ‘Three Whites’ (sugar, salt, lard), and consume more ‘Three Blacks’ (sesame seeds, mushrooms, black rice).