
How can facial yellowing be improved and iron and magnesium deficiencies supplemented? What has been the past treatment and its effectiveness? What kind of assistance is needed?


Doctors recommend supplementing iron and magnesium through vegetable intake. Which vegetables are helpful for this? Rich in iron sources include: breast milk, egg yolks, orange juice, vegetable juice, mashed vegetables, liver puree, meat puree, and iron-fortified foods (such as iron-fortified milk powder, rice flour, wheat flour) and iron-fortified formula milk. In addition, minced meat, fish, tofu, liver, lean meat, dairy products, animal blood, millet, sorghum, corn, green leafy vegetables, yellow and red vegetables, black fungus, kelp, and seaweed are also good sources of iron. It is worth noting that seaweed is the highest in magnesium content, with 460 milligrams of magnesium in every 100 grams of seaweed, making it known as the “treasure house of magnesium elements.”