
A one-year-old child has undergone two chalazion surgeries recently, but there is still some swelling in the right eye after the operation. Inquire about the cause and whether there are non-surgical treatment methods.


Chalazion is an acute suppurative inflammation of the sebaceous gland or meibomian gland near the eyelash follicle, which can be classified into internal and external chalazion. If chalazion occurs frequently, in addition to surgery and antibiotic treatment, consider autoimmune therapy to enhance immunity. If a child’s diet lacks vegetables and fruits, it may lead to a deficiency of vitamin C, making it more susceptible to inflammation; if they consume less whole grains, nuts, and pork liver, they may lack the B vitamins, affecting lipid metabolism and leading to pore blockage and inflammation. It is recommended to adjust the diet, increase vitamin intake, and seek professional medical advice for more appropriate treatment.