
The baby is vomiting and has diarrhea, and they can’t keep anything down, even water causes nausea. No follow-up visit has been made yet. Previous treatment and effects: not concerned, what kind of help is needed: what kind of food can they eat?


This situation should be considered as a possibility of the baby having gastroenteritis. Gastrointestinal fever should also be considered. Guidance: Pay attention to this situation, enhance care, follow a light diet, drink plenty of water, consume porridge and vegetables, avoid greasy foods, and do not eat extremely cold, sour, spicy irritative foods. You can take children’s paracetamol amine granules, Smecta, apply Baby One Patch to the navel, or inject medication such as Xianping or Yanhuning. In case of necessity, go to a regular hospital pediatric department for a detailed examination to confirm, such as a detailed blood test, and implement targeted treatment.