
The baby has persistent diarrhea with loose stools and a sour smell. The condition improves with medication but recurs upon discontinuation, accompanied by symptoms of runny nose. Previous treatments have been effective in alleviating symptoms with medication but have recurred upon discontinuation. We hope to understand the cause of the baby’s problem and how to resolve it.


Based on your description, the baby’s diarrhea may be caused by an infection and should be treated symptomatically. There are three possible reasons for the baby’s frequent diarrhea: Firstly, the baby grows rapidly, requiring more nutrition and calories, but their digestive organs are not fully developed, resulting in insufficient digestive enzymes and weak absorption, which can easily lead to diarrhea. Secondly, it may be caused by food allergies or lactose intolerance. Lastly, changes in the environment or emotional factors may also cause gastrointestinal discomfort. It is recommended to take the baby to the hospital for a check-up to determine the cause and follow the doctor’s advice for treatment. At the same time, pay attention to the baby’s dietary hygiene and balanced nutrition, avoid overeating high-fat foods to prevent exacerbating gastrointestinal burden. If symptoms persist or worsen, seek medical attention promptly.