
A six-year-old girl went to bed tonight and her throat was hoarse. She has a snoring sound in her throat when she takes a nap at night, accompanied by coughing. Is it a fever? What should I do? There was a cough that led to pneumonia, and it took a total of one month to recover, with seven days of azithromycin.


Based on your description, the child appears to have a fever and may also have tonsillitis. Here are some suggestions: One, you can use children’s paracetamol and chlorphenamine granules for fever treatment. Two, you can use blood-cooling tablets (carbocysteine tablets),Muxitan(mucus-thinning medication) for expectoration and cough relief. Three, if necessary, you can use medication nebulizer inhalation treatment for more direct and faster effect. Four, if you can confirm that the fever is caused by catching a cold, you can use wind-cold fever granules for treatment.