
My baby is four and a half months old and has been experiencing diarrhea since the evening of the 8th. The situation has not improved despite taking Mami Love. The stools are foamy, and I am worried about dehydration. I suspect it might be due to the baby catching a cold during the journey home on the 6th, improper holding posture causing lumbar injury, or starting to introduce complementary foods (rice porridge, fresh juice, teething biscuits). There have been similar situations before, but they improved after taking Mami Love. I hope they get better soon because we need to take the baby for a vaccination check-up around the 24th.


Based on the described situation, an initial judgment is that it may be an infant gastrointestinal function disorder caused by improper diet or catching a cold. It is recommended to conduct a detailed examination to confirm the cause and take active treatment measures. Pay attention to appropriate diet in daily life, strengthen care, avoid abdominal coldness, and prevent dampness. If vomiting is severe, Simethicone or tannic acid protein can be used; if there is indigestion and foamy stools, pancreatic enzyme powder, intestinal health capsules, or lactase can be taken, and abdominal cold compress can be applied. If dehydration symptoms occur, timely intravenous treatment should be administered. Specific treatment plans should follow the doctor’s guidance.