
The child is 3 years and 3 months old and can only say ‘Dad,’ and occasionally calls out ‘Mom’ when crying. Although the child has good understanding and a fast learning ability, he has not yet started speaking and does not respond when called by his name. The parents have already taken the child to a children’s hospital, but have not received a detailed examination, and are very worried at the moment.


It is recommended that parents take the child to the hospital for further examination and assessment to determine if there are any physiological or developmental issues. While waiting for the results of the examination, parents can try the following methods to help the child develop language skills:

  • Provide a rich language stimulation environment, engage in more conversations with the child, using short and clear sentences.
  • Teach the child new vocabulary and express needs through games and daily activities.
  • Give the child opportunities to imitate speech, and encourage and respond to his attempts.
  • If concerned about the child’s delayed language development, seek assistance from a professional speech therapist.