
Crying loudly, limb flexion, and a continuous increase in intestinal gas can lead to severe abdominal pain. When diagnosing pediatric allergic purpura, what detailed examinations are required?


This condition does not have specific laboratory tests. With a large amount of bleeding, anemia may be observed. White blood cell count is slightly elevated, eosinophils are normal or elevated, platelets are normal, and bleeding time, clotting time, and clot retraction are all normal. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate is accelerated, C-reactive protein and antistreptolysin O may be positive. Pharyngeal culture may show Group A β-hemolytic Streptococcus. Serum IgA is slightly elevated. Urinalysis, electroencephalogram, and electrocardiogram can be used to understand the condition of the kidneys, brain, and heart.