
Dear Baby, currently 1 year old, this week, the child has been scratching their ear and saying it’s itchy. In the morning, I found that the earwax is purulent and a bit yellow, and there is also some low-grade fever. Please ask: What should be the treatment for earache in children with otitis media?


For a better treatment of otitis media, one can choose some symptomatic anti-inflammatory drugs under the guidance of a doctor. While taking medication, some regional treatments can also be carried out, such as using anti-inflammatory ear drops. In cases of ear pain, painkillers can be administered to the child. Some children may also have fever, in which case oral antipyretics can be given. If the symptoms cannot be relieved, it is imperative to seek medical attention. In addition to these drug treatment methods, if the child’s condition is severe and there is a perforation of the eardrum, hospital surgery is required. At the same time, attention should also be paid to arranging a reasonable diet and lifestyle for the child to help the disease recover as soon as possible.