
The child experienced epilepsy symptoms after a convulsion due to a low fever, often appearing absentminded and occasionally twitching. What are suitable treatment methods for the child?


Epilepsy can have various causes, including genetics, trauma, brain injury, tumors, and vascular diseases. Treatment usually involves oral anti-epileptic medication, and some patients may require surgical treatment. It is recommended to take the child to a large hospital for brain scans and EEGs to seek advice and treatment from a professional doctor. At the same time, it is important to ensure the child gets enough rest, maintains emotional stability, avoids overexertion, and has adequate sleep. In terms of diet, it is advisable to avoid spicy and irritating foods such as lamb, dog meat, coffee, strong tea, and cola, and to consume more vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and proteins to enhance the body’s condition and prevent colds.