
My son is 150 cm tall and his bone age measurement shows he is 13 and a half years old, and he has already started puberty. He is shorter than children of the same age, and we want to know how much more he can grow. Although my height is 163 cm and my husband’s is 174 cm, we are unaware of why his growth has been slower. We hope to receive advice and assistance from a doctor. We want to know where we can find the best hospitals to help our child overcome the issue of shortness.


A child’s height is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. It is recommended that your child maintain a peaceful attitude and a healthy lifestyle, pay attention to dietary hygiene and balanced nutrition, ensure adequate sleep, and increase physical activity, especially exercises that help with growth, such as jumping and running. If necessary, it is suggested to visit the endocrinology department of a regular hospital for further examination, including the measurement of growth hormones, to determine the cause and provide targeted treatment.