
My baby is 11 days old and has yellowish spots on the face and bridge of the nose, accompanied by increased eye discharge. I am asking about the cause and treatment method.


Newborn jaundice is typically divided into physiological jaundice and pathological jaundice. Physiological jaundice occurs due to increased oxygen content in the external environment after birth, leading to red blood cell destruction and subsequent increased bilirubin production. Generally, no special treatment is required, and it does not cause any adverse effects on the baby. However, if accompanied by factors such as infection or trauma that result in excessive bilirubin production, and if the bilirubin level exceeds the safe range, pathological jaundice may develop, requiring immediate medical treatment to avoid the occurrence of kernicterus. Parents are advised to monitor their baby’s condition. If the jaundice persists or worsens, or if other discomfort symptoms are present, they should take their baby to the hospital for examination and treatment immediately.