
I’ve noticed that my baby’s eyes have been producing more discharge recently. He is just over 100 days old. Could this be related to him starting to take pediatric four vitamin calcium granules? He didn’t have this symptom before he started taking them. Now the discharge is particularly abundant, what should I do?


No, the increase in eye discharge in babies can be due to various reasons, including dehydration and indigestion. First, you should encourage your baby to drink more water and perform appropriate massage to help with gastrointestinal motility. You can consider giving your baby a little Seven Star Tea or honeysuckle tea. If your baby has diarrhea, give him more warm water and increase his intake of vegetables and fruits. Honeysuckle dew is also a good choice. These are the suggestions for the question ‘Is excessive eye discharge in babies related to calcium supplementation?’ I hope this helps you, and wish your baby good health!