
The child’s previous health status was good: slightly feverish in the morning. Previous treatment and effectiveness: None. Not concerned about how to help: Can some good treatment suggestions be provided without going to the hospital?


Based on the description, the basic understanding is as follows. A slightly feverish baby isn’t a bad thing; it’s actually a sign that the child’s resistance is decreasing. As long as the temperature doesn’t exceed 38 degrees and the duration isn’t too long, it’s fine. Just take it easy. Guidance: Observe carefully and ensure the child stays warm. If the fever is low and there’s no need to go to the hospital, avoid medication if possible. If the temperature is below 38 degrees, first try physical cooling methods; if it can’t be lowered, then take some antipyretic medication. Going to the hospital can easily lead to cross-infection, so it’s not recommended to take a baby with a high fever to the hospital. As long as the child can eat, drink, play, and sleep, there’s no need to worry.