
Parent Inquiry: My 5-year-old child has a cold with a cough and yellow nasal mucus. The doctor prescribed Bao Keng Ning, Montelukast tablets, Cefpodoxime, and Nasal Drip Channel Granules. That afternoon, the cough worsened, and the doctor added Zepidine. The parent accidentally mixed a new formula containing probiotics with the medication to give to the child and inquires whether this could affect the child.


Expert Advice: When giving medication to children, it’s best to administer it with plain water and to separate the medication from the formula, as this can prevent possible interactions. Moreover, during a cold, children often have reduced appetite. If the child is of an appropriate age and has started on complementary foods, they should be encouraged to consume nutritious and easily digestible foods. Also, attention should be paid to hygiene and appropriate physical activity.