
Is it normal for a one-month-old baby to sweat? What should I do if it’s not normal? I’m looking for assistance on how to handle this situation? I want to know if there is an issue and what should be done. Thank you.


During infancy, due to active metabolism and the lively nature of young children, sweating is normal. If sweating occurs when the child is at rest, such as the sweating associated with rickets, it may manifest as the baby’s head sweating obvious during the first half of the night when they are sleeping. Guidance: You should promptly provide your baby with vitamin D and calcium supplements. Before bedtime, place two dry, soft towels or handkerchiefs on your baby’s back. When they get wet, you can change them. Once the baby stops sweating, you can remove them. This ensures that your baby’s back stays dry and also prevents the baby from catching a cold after sweating. You can give it a try and hope it helps your baby. Wishing your baby good health and happiness.