
My daughter is one year old. She recently has a sore throat, severe cough, fever, and low spirits, along with tonsillitis and difficulty swallowing. During the treatment period, how should we adjust her diet? What precautions should we take?


When children experience tonsillitis and difficulty swallowing, the following dietary adjustments and precautions should be considered:

  • Increase consumption of vegetables and fruits: Rich in vitamins and trace elements, these help boost immunity while being light and easy to digest. For instance, pears and apples have cooling and anti-inflammatory properties and can be consumed more.
  • Choose foods that are easy to swallow and digest: Provide softer, cooked foods like noodles and congee, which are convenient for children to swallow and digest.
  • Drink plenty of plain water: Plain water helps maintain body hydration in children and promotes recovery.
  • Avoid eating irritants and seafood: Foods like beef, mutton, dog meat, and seafood may exacerbate inflammation and discomfort, so they should be minimized or avoided as much as possible.
  • Cultivate good eating habits: Parents should help children develop hygienic and healthy eating habits, encouraging them not to be picky or biased in their food choices, and to consume a balanced variety of foods.