Successfully breastfeeding exclusively with mother’s milk until now. Yesterday, the baby started having diarrhea, with four episodes yesterday, green, loose stools with almost no solid matter. Started passing yellow, loose stools in the afternoon yesterday. By noon today, there have been three episodes. The stools are very loose and yellow, with semi-transparent, jelly-like “mucus?” The baby’s mood is good, there is a “plop” sound when defecating, and the perianal area is slightly red. Is this related to the frozen milk feeding? (The mother expresses milk and stores it in the refrigerator, defrosts and warms it up for feeding.) Or is the baby sick and has diarrhea? Do we need to go to the hospital? Previous treatment and effectiveness: none
Any help would be greatly appreciated: looking forward to your response.
This situation with the baby is likely due to poor absorption function, and it’s suggested not to feed the baby this way in the future. The nutrition in the milk is basically destroyed after it’s been refrigerated and then warmed up. Guidance: For this condition, you can give the baby some amoxicillin granules and Mamylove, and take Simethicone together. By four months old, babies should gradually be introduced to complementary foods regardless of how abundant the breast milk is. You can provide some complementary foods for your baby. Feed breast milk when mom is at home, and wish the baby grows strong and healthy.