
My baby has had diarrhea for 10 days, and even after taking probiotics, there has been no improvement. The stool test was normal, and their diet and overall condition are still okay. I’m asking for further assistance.


If your child continues to have diarrhea, it’s advisable to retake the stool test to confirm if it’s a case of digestive upset or intestinal inflammation. Also, keep an eye out for fever that might indicate intestinal dysfunction. If it’s digestive upset, consider giving your child oral formula with digestive tonic or Montmorillonite powder. If the situation is severe, you should seek medical advice, possibly requiring intravenous fluid therapy. Reduce the frequency of changing diapers to give the digestive system a rest. Ensure plenty of fluid intake. If you’re introducing complementary foods, it might be best to pause or reduce their intake until the situation improves. Gradually resume them once things are better. Be especially cautious about avoiding foods that are hard to digest.